

Receipt OCR: Accurate Data Extraction

Extract Receipt Data to CSV Format

or drop files here

Multilingual Support

Our software can handle receipts in many languages, providing data extraction from worldwide receipts.


Accurate Data Extraction

Trained on millions of receipts, our software offers exceptional accuracy.


Save time

Automate data extraction to save time and increase productivity.

How to extract data from receipts


Select "Choose File" on our homepage or drag and drop your file into the specified area.


Select the receipt you want to convert.


Download your converted receipt as a CSV or Excel file.


Explore Our Additional Tools

Frequently asked questions

Our advanced OCR and machine learning technology extracts data from receipts and converts it into CSV or Excel formats.

A key advantage of our software is its high accuracy in data extraction. This precision makes it perfect for users seeking reliable workflow automation.
Without relying on fixed templates, our software works with any receipt layout.
Your data security is our top priority. Your information is fully protected with our receipt conversion software.

Once the data has been extracted, you can delete your receipts from our system to guarantee maximum privacy.